Ganadores 2023


Finger Lickin' Gol / MU15-000034



Cliente o Anunciante KFC México
Producto KFC
Inscrita por Ernesto Hernández Acuña
Categoría MU15

Sergio Escamilla, MD

Luciana Haguiara, Regional Executive Creative Director

Alexis Ospina, Regional Executive Creative Director

Bruno Prosperi, Regional Executive Creative Director

David Correa, Executive Creative Director

César Castaño, Executive Creative Director

Francesco Vicenzi, Creative Director

Hugo Mario García, Creative Director

Andrés Guevara, Art Director

Daniela Prieto, Copywriter

Roberto Gregorio, Art Director

Alain Luna, Copywriter

Alan Mendoza, Creative

Tonatiluh Torres, Creative

Amaya Martinez, Head of Client

Erik Hernandez, Head of Client

Ernesto Hernández Acuña, Advertising & Digital Comms

To position itself in the gamer universe, KFC needed to connect with the gamer community on their level while staying true to the brand's authenticity.

We created "Finger Lickin Gol", an brand experiences activation that leveraged the famous soccer goal celebration where players usually lick their finger. Fortunately for us, this celebration was also present in FIFA, so we took advantage of it to connect it with our iconic slogan "Finger Lickin Good," making it the official KFC celebration.

Each finger-licking celebration on Twitter earned a food discount. We even incorporated the "Finger Lickin Gol" slogan onto our fried chicken.