Ganadores 2022


Monster are real / DN3-001725



Cliente o Anunciante Agua Zalva
Producto Agua Zalva
Inscrita por Mariana Trujillo
Categoría DN3

Francisco Samper , CEO

José Manuel Hoyos, COO

Juan David Pardo , ECD

Diego Muñoz , ECD

Andrés Celis, Creative Director

Nestor Benjumea, Creative Director

Sebastián Téllez , Copywriter

Edna Waldrón , Art director

Marcela Vásquez , Art director

Rony Saavedra, Art director

Daniel Salazar , Account Director

Fabiana Manzi, Account Director

Jenn Boshell, Digital Director

Juan RivadeNeira , Motion Designer

Sebastian Bernaté, Motion Designer

Camilo Medina, Music

Mariana Trujillo , NABs Marketing Director

Juan Alonso Torres, NABs Marketing Director

We created a collection of bedtime stories that spoke to a generation that believes in monsters: children. So that they would know for the first time that there are some monsters that are real, and are endangering the planet.

With a simple objective: To make children aware of monsters from an early age and to create a much more activist generation in front of these issues.

We delivered them to bookstores, schools and to parents so that they could read them to their children before bedtime, just as they do with classic children's stories.